Seeds, written by Annabel Soutar and directed Chris Abraham, is a dramatic re-enactment of the seven-year legal battle between Saskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser and one of the world’s biggest biotech corporations, Monsanto Inc. While debates about GMOs are multiplying everywhere, life- changing experiments are being conducted in the food we eat. This documentary theater play leads us through a suspenseful labyrinth of legal conflicts around patent rights, scientific show-downs about genetically modified food and property clashes between farmers and the biotechnology industry. Based on court trial transcripts and interviews with Percy Schmeiser, Monsanto representatives, farmers, academics, lawyers and scientists from all across Canada, it attempts to answer the question of “Who owns Life?” Supported by the Skoll Center, this play comes to UCLA’s Center for the Art of Performance in April 2020.
Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 8PM
Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 8PM
Freud Playhouse, UCLA
For tickets and more info: